Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where my willpower has gone to...

Geezus man... it's only 3:27 and I'm DYING to get out of the office!! I'm trying to wean off Facebook and not be a complete addict. ugghh.. I (temporarily) disabled my account the other day.. I was just tired of looking at it and being on it nonstop.. Yeah, its Thursday and I'm already back on being a stalker. FAIL.

Although, I can state that it is great for work purposes. The wedding I'm doing, the lady was all " are you on FB?" I replied.. " well, I just recently deleted it". I got a small pause and I'm 100% positive she might have given me a " WTF" look through the phone. *sigh* Anywho.. she wanted to see my "pics" of my work, and then I could see what her wedding party looked like.. and bla bla bla. I'm obviously making excuses to justify my addiction of looking at peoples pictures, and judging them through the web.

And you know its only used to look at peoples ex's and flings and " am i cuter than them" situations. " She's on FB.. go look, I'll hold". Can't tell you how many times, I've gotten one of those phone calls ...(or made the phone call).

But none the less.. public display of personal lives never ceases to amaze or intrigue. It's the first thing you do in the morning ( before coffee), and the last thing you do at night( before gossiping with your sig other in bed about what you just read). I give it about 2 more years before people are worn out and FB become the long forgotten Tom. ( remember he was on myspace).

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